blue screen الشاشة الزرقاء
Perhaps you are also suffering from blue Ca_esh! Who among us did not pass this damned experience, but that there could overcome the problem and there are those who still flops it. But did you know that the Most problems blue screen's come from not identify the device is compatible with the operating system?. Yes Most this Almchaklh list because of an incompatibility device definitions (Driver) with the operating system, the latter which sanctioned several Thdatat company Maekerosvet and therefore
In some Thdatat operating system can not become the system compatible with the version of gear
في بعض تحديتاث نظام التشغيل يمكن الا يصبح النظام يتوافق مع إصدار العتاد
There are a lot of programs that bring all driver
You two
يوجد الكثير من البرامج التي تقوم بتحديث جميع الدرايفرات
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اصلاح الشاشة الزرقاءاصلاح الشاشةاصلاح مشكلاصلاح مشكل الشاشة الزرقاءالشاشة الزرقاءالشاشةمشكل الشاشة الزرقاءFix the blue screen